Predestined Collection is an elegant line of jewelry composed entirely of upcycled vintage pieces set with authentic sea-glass, artist inspired and intentionally designed for only one fated soul.


Click picture to learn more about Meg...

Click picture to learn more about Meg...


Meg Parr has been creating mixed media art from a very young age. Her path to crafting jewelry as a business began her encounter with a stranger...

Click picture to learn more about the process...

Click picture to learn more about the process...


 Creating upcycled, vintage sea-glass jewelry is a time consuming labor of love. Learn more about Meg's process for creating these one-of-a-kind pieces.

Click picture to view gallery...

Click picture to view gallery...


 Explore some of the latest pieces in the Predestined Collection line of jewelry. Each piece is modeled by the fine people of the local Raleigh N.C. area.

Jewelry that is just as unique as you.


There is no one else in this world like you. Experiences over time have helped shape the person you are today. Similarly, our sea-glass, chains and adornments have also spent years upon years becoming the pieces you see today. You can rest assured knowing that each crafted piece is completely unique, beautiful, and one of a kind - just like you.



Jewelry with a past...for your future.


Whether at work, out on the town, socializing with friends or just living your life, your jewelry will inspire, turn heads and probably start a few conversations.



See you there!


Meeting up at a live event is a great way to meet Meg in person and get to know us better. This is also the only way to personaly feel and try on our jewelry for yourself.



Purchase our jewelry online.


Coming soon.

In the interim, please email us for all purchase requests and inquiries.